Womens Pelvic Floor Therapy & Wellness Services

Together we will create an individualized plan of care to address your concerns and work towards your goals of resolving a variety of pelvic floor dysfunction

  • Pelvic pain

  • Pain with sex, pelvic exams, tampon insertion etc.

  • Urinary leakage or incontinence

  • Constipation

  • Hip/low back pain

  • Vaginismus

  • Vulvodynia

  • Pelvic Organ Prolapse (Cystocele, Rectocele, Enterocele, Urethrocele)

  • Interstitial cystitis / painful bladder

  • Tailbone pain

  • And more

You deserve to feel great in your body

*** Due to legal constraints, I am unable to accept cash payment from those with Medicaid / Medicare coverage for rehabilitation services… Those with Medicaid / Medicare CAN pay cash for wellness / injury prevention / education services***

Initial evaluation:

60 minutes - $100

Follow up treatment session:

60 minutes - $100

Treatment Techniques

  • Manual Therapy

    External and internal treatment technique options

    Myofascial release, trigger point release, bony mobilizations, assisted stretching, soft tissue mobilization, and more

  • Corrective Exercise

    The body requires balance. Weak muscles in one area create tension, tightness, and pain in other areas.

    After assessing your individual body factors, I will create an individualized exercise prescription just for you that addresses strength and mobility needs

  • Education

    I will teach you all about your body, how it works, and whhat you can do to use your body more effectively in ways that lead to more balance and less pain

    Education on alignment, posture, intra-abdominal pressure management, exercise, ergonomics, sexual function, anatomy, breathing and more

  • Cupping

    Suction based cupping improves circulation through tissue and muscles, gets rid of area toxins, and can be used to improve restrictions within tissue or joints.

Pelvic Health Wellness Services

Body Balancing Wellness Session

60 minute bodywork wellness session including mobilization of the pelvic bones, release of tight/stiff pelvic muscles and ligaments surrounding the pelvis and the use of a variety of manual therapy techniques including myofascial release, skin rolling, and tissue stacking to the ribcage, abdominal wall, hips, and low back to bring balance to the body.

** This is a wellness session and is not an individualized assessment or treatment to address any specific pain points or medical concerns.

60 minutes - $100

Pelvic Health Education Session

Join me for a one-hour pelvic health education class to learn about your body and pelvic floor.

In this class we will answer the following questions:

  • What is the pelvic floor?

  • What are the 5 functions of the pelvic floor?

  • How does the pelvic floor work with the core?

  • How does the pelvic floor work with the breath?

  • How does pelvic floor dysfunction effect the bladder, bowels, and sexual health?

  • What do we do that can damage the pelvic floor?

  • What can we do to protect the pelvic floor?

Leaving this session, you will feel more confident in your knowledge of your own body and ways that you can protect your pelvic floor to prevent long term dysfunction and pain.

** This is a wellness session and is not an individualized assessment or treatment to address any specific pain points or medical concerns.

Virtual option is available - call, text, or email to book virtually

60 minutes - $100